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Fluffy Furry Friends!


I am a little exhausted with the assignments; so I thought of writing something that refreshes my mind. But don't worry, I'll be okay! I kept reading my post about architecture, saying that it's okay to fail as long as I did my best.

I really remember that time when I was a loner, and I didn't have anyone to talk to. No one to share what I went through, and no one actually cared about me back then.

But not really everyone to be honest. My mother knew I was stressed, and she thought, a little furry friend for me wouldn't hurt. We went to the pet shop, and found little noisy creatures. They sounded like, 'wheek!', and eventhough they are noisy, they were ultra cute. I immediately fell in love with them; and brought home one little piggie.

It was a 'she', and I named her Pippie for her little peeps that were so lovely. (and I miss her little peeps until now).

Pippie was my first pet ever, and this guinea pig was really scared and fragile at first. She kept running away from me, it was because she does hate strangers.

Eventually, we became close and she made my day a lot better than usual. I always ran upstairs after arriving home from school; and this little cavy will 'wheek' and ask me to feed her with carrots and cucumbers. Slowly but sure, she started to open her heart to me and I sometimes even chat with her about things that bothered my mibd. You may think I'm crazy for talking to my pet, but you will feel that close bond too when you have your own little friends.

One day, she surprised and shocked me because, all of a sudden, she delivered a little baby and it looks precisely like Pippie was pasted into a newborn one!

I was confused, I never had the experience of taking care of a baby pet before. I called my mom who weren't home that time, and she immediately went home to see the little adorable cute creation.

But what I really regret was that I wasn't able to take care of it. The baby won't eat, and passed away about three days later. This really made me down, and so did Pippie. She didn't want to be forced to eat as well and one week later, she passed away too. I tried to take Pippie to the vet and gave her medicines, but she just didn't want to eat. I know she was so depressed by the loss of her baby. See? Even guinea pigs have feelings and they give love too. I learned about a parent's love from her., and it made me grateful for having a strong and caring mom. The one who delivered us and loved us so much, would sacrify anything for their love ones.

I was so frustated at first and didn't want to have more pets for a while.

One year later, I thought that I should give it another try, and I will do my best to take care of guinea pigs this time. We went to the pet store again and I immediately fell for this little cutie.

 She was the cutest one and took my heart away. At first I wanted to name her Hazel, but after discussing it with my mom, Milly was a lot cuter and easier to spell. Say hello to Milly!

Like Pippie, she was realy scared of me and didn't want to be touched. But time was amazing, she got used to my smell who always bring her food and she opened her heart too. She wasn't a brave little one, because everytime I let her run in a space, she eventually jumped back to her cage. She wasn't brave enough to explore the world outside her cage, and I could feel that I was similar to her. I was also not scared to try and explore new things; which I learned from Milly.

After a while, the same event happened. She delivered a little baby; and I don't want to do it wrong that time; I cleaned her cage as soon as possible and was breath-taked by the beautiful little baby piggie.

 It was a 'he' this time, and I named him Kyle for my favorite game character's name. Kyle was the bravest and the naughtiest piggie I ever met! His energy was full of curiosity, and he always ran surrounding his cage until he was exhausted (which he never was) and he has the loudest 'wheek' of the others.

When he was hungry, he called me by his wheeking and when I arrived, he was usually standing at his cage like this.

And this little one was the closest to me; which I always cherish until the moment I type this. His bravery and energy encouraged me to be cheerful; and just bother for good things (for Kyle's case: cucumbers!)

His spiky hair melted my heart away; and my little furry boy always welcome me when I am at home. I could never forget the way he reacted to cucumbers (the cold ones from the refrigerator). He would jump and 'popcorn' (popcorning is a way for guinea pigs to express their joy) and it made me smile too.

Having pets definitely made my life a lot better and they fulfill my head with positive thoughts. I mean, how could you not fall in love with them? How could you not feel responsible for them, and how could their happiness not make you feel happy too?

Nothing feels better when you watch someone/something you take care of with deep love grow and turned into something strong and independent. And you will be speechless when you know it actually loves you back. :)


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