I would like to thank you for willing to click my blog and scroll through it. It's an honor, you know!
I used to have another blogs, but I kept forgetting about them and life made me busy so that I didn't have time to write.
Writing, it does is effective to release everything held back. Sometimes, we have that things and insecurities we couldn't talk about, and not everything can be told through live conversations. Not everyone are extroverts; and I really understand how difficult it is to start talking first and telling someone about myself. I even couldn't answer questions like, 'what things do you like about yourself?' 'What do you think about yourself?'
This blog is for me expressing myself and it's all about being honest. Through the clouds, through the rains, through the storms, and also through the smiles and sparkles.
I'm not a good writer, but I do will try my best, and who knows, you might find out certain things about me.
Okay, now I would like to introduce myself; and so should you in the comment box! :)
My parents gave me a wonderful name, Hanna Christina Uranus. You can call me Hanna; that's what they usually do. I was established in 1996 and I'm so proud to be Indonesian.
I'm someone God created with love. Special and different in my own way, I'm loving my life now surrounded by people who matter, and I'm forever grateful to God for teaching many lessons to make me a strong and tough warrior.
If you're still reading, thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. I like to be seen and I like to be heard, you know.
These are what I want to say for now, keep up with me and I'll see you in the next post!
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