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(Not) Lost in Bali

Bali, a paradise located in Indonesia, was a place I visited with my friends on 11 until 16 April 2015 We, the third semester architecture students under pressure, were super excited for this vacation. 

What clothes should we wear? What places should we visit? How shoud we spend the days there? It was our first trip ever, and our burning spirit was unstoppable. Eventhough our skins will get a lot darker and we definitely will gain calories, it was in fact worth it.

The first three days we go with the campus tour; for there was a study tour held. Our destinations were Taman Nusa Dua, Five Elements, and Potato Head. 

Let me tell you about these places if you don’t mind. 

Taman Nusa Dua contains traditional homes from the whole Indonesia; and the thing that I admire so much is the green environment. It was so refreshing and so different from the traffic  jam I usually embrace in Jakarta; the busy city I lived in currently.

The cave entrance you have to walk through is very impressing to me.

Beside traditional homes, the uniqueness that I faced for the first time is the interactiveness with the guests. You will be accompanied by a very polite guide; she/he explains and answers your curiosity until you’re satisfied. Unlike a museum, you will feel the similarity of the interactions just like a puppet castle; an attraction in a theme park where we ride a kind of train and the dolls surrounding us started singing and dancing when we go pass them. For this case, there were no dolls dancing. It was humans from the real tribes of each district who started interacting when we walked pass them; whether it is playing music, dancing or painting.

I got interested on the roofs.

The track is easy to walk on, so don't worry.

Potato head; you will feel the luxuriousness when you arrived. After being checked up by a security for safety purposes, you will walk within and be amazed by how it is dominated with water. The pool, the sea, they were so breath-taking. There are restaurants where you can feel the breeze of the wind and enjoy the gorgeous panorama while drinking and eating. Feel and relax like you’re home; don’t be a stranger with the surroundings there.

Crowded yet quiet.
Enjoy the view!

Thirsty? No worries!

Five Elements is a meditation place full of philosophy. The buildings there are made of recycled bamboo; and when you’re at the lobby you might wonder why it is so high from the inside. The roofs are made from natural containing, and they check it up routinely; don’t be afraid to ask the guide. Why are the rooms named like that? Why is the kitchen located on a certain direction? How do they make the bamboos look so tall? I won’t spoil; go there and fulfill your curiosity.

The most eyecatching structure. So tall!

All from bamboos.
A view from the restaurant.

Restaurant's ornaments.

The road somehow makes me happy.

Blend with the nature.

You have to walk on feet a bit first to get in, but you will enjoy the green surroundings.

Afterwards; we separated from the campus touring and explored Bali without them. And by ‘we’, I meant me (Hanna), Stevina, Elizabeth and Eria. We might be loud and a little crazy if united; don't tell me I didn't warn you.
Eria, Elizabeth, Hanna and Stevina

Our priority was The Dream Museum Zone in Seminyak; we already planned to go there for we all like to be photographed.

It was not disappointing, the museum was full of creativity! I admit that I really loved the time there, I went running from one pose to another pose because the spots are all camera tricking. We did hilarious poses and got tired of laughing, smiling, and posing. Here are some poses you might want to see:

Mother knows best.

Someone! Save me!

Under the sea.

Oh hey! Bye!

Oh no, I made him angry!

But I regret nothing, I got my phone memory almost full because posing is just addicting and very stress-relieving.

It is so nice to see foreigners and visit spots we never have been. You shouldn’t waste the opportunity you have to visit Bali; the traditions, dances, places and especially beaches shouldn’t be missed.

 Looking forward to see you again; thank you for the sweet memories, Bali!

 One word, one conclusion; enjoyable!


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