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nostalgia cerita masa kecil: The Five Stars


tiba-tiba ketemu cerita yang ditulis pas kecil, dan jadi senyum-senyum sendiri bacanya. XD

Oh ya, tadinya tulisan ini berbahasa Belanda dan ada di . Waktu itu aku berumur 10 tahun dan senang berimajinasi yang aneh-aneh. Nah, ini sudah ku translate jadi bahasa Inggris. Check it out!

The five stars

By Hanna Uranus (10)

How did that happen?
"Rosa, come here!" calls Mom.
Rosa goes down the stairs.
"What is it, Mom?" asks Rosa.
"I want you to do errands for me." Mother says.
"Okay then." Nags Rosa.
Her mother gives her a kiss and says, "Thank you, sweetie.".

Rosa runs.
Suddenly Rosa sees a robber who is pushing a lady.
"Stay away!" Rosa screams.
Suddenly a flame appears from her hands.
The robber got hit!
Rosa does not know how she did it.
Rosa helps the lady get up.
"How are you?" asks Rosa.
"Thanks, kid, it's good." Says Mrs. Rosa and gives 10 euros.
"No, ma'am, it's alright, thank you." says Rosa.
"You're a good girl!" calls Mrs. Rosa and strokes her head.
Rosa tells home what happened.
But she does not tell about the fire ... ..

Rosa is a fairy
Rosa goes to her room.
She still thinks how a flame came out of her hands.
She picks up a book and reads.
Suddenly she sees light.
There is a just man in her room!
"Who ... .Who are you?" asks Rosa trembling.
"My child!" calls the man "There you are!".
"What do you mean?" asks Rosa.
"You were born in the Thuatha Danann.
You are a fairy! "Replies the man.
"Are you my father?" Rosa asks surprised.
"Yes, you are my lost child!" answer her father.
"How do I come to the people?" asks Rosa.
"Oh, you fell out of the crib, and when you come into the earth." Answer her father.
"Listen kid, I gave you no name, your earthly parents do, what's here?" the man asks.
"My name is Rosa, father." Answer Rosa.

5 stars
"Listen Rosa, I have an assignment for you." Says father.
"What, father, I'm listening!" Answer Rosa.
"My wife has 5 stars.
But Hedus, my enemy, has taken the stars.
I'm afraid you'll have to travel.
To find 5 stars. "Says her father.

"Father, what's your name?" asks Rosa.
"My name is Karlus, Rosa, my child!" Answer the man.
"Tell your mom that you travel ...." Says Karlus and he disappeared.
"Karlus!" Calls Rosa.
But Karlus's gone.
How should Rosa travel?

The whole family sits at the table.
But she still thinks of Karlus.
"Rosa, you have to eat!
Not dreaming! "Cries mother.
"Yes, Rosa." Answer her father.
But Rosa thinks of her real father, Karlus.
"Rosa, if you eat, I have a surprise for you!" tries her mother.
then Rosa eats fastly like a rocket.
"And the surprise." Says she.
"I have a child!" answer her mother "My 2nd child!".
"It's your first child, I'm not her child!" Rosa thinks.
A few days later, Rosa gets a little brother.
But when she sees her brother, she still thinks of Karlus his words.
will Rosa be allowed to travel?
"Mom, can I travel?" asks Rosa.
"No, baby, you know you're too young." Mother says.
Rosa asks and whines.
Until one day.
"Okay, you can travel.
Otherwise, keep your whining. "Complains her mother.

"Yes, I will get the 5 stars!" Rosa thinks.
Rosa may use the boot from her father.
She is sure to take her friend Meike, who may travel.

Meike is also a fairy?
They got into the boat.
Fortunately Rosa magic forces can conjure food.
One day, Meike said: "Is it good that I waving my hands?".
"Of course, Meike." Answer Rosa.
Meike waves her arms.
Suddenly there are yummy food on the table.
"Meike, did you do that?" Rosa asks surprised.
"Do not know" answer Meike.
Meike is also a fairy?
Yes, Meike is a fairy!
Suddenly there appears light.
"Karlus ?!" Calls Rosa.
"Is that Karlus?" Meike ask.
"My other child!
How is this possible? "Cries Karlus.
"Meike ... ..your also his daughter!" Rosa calls surprised.
Karlus says Meike also fell and landed on the earth from the crib.
"We're family, only other parents have found us!" Meike calls.
"Yes, girls." Karlus says.
Rosa Karlus says Meike also seeks out of 5 stars.
"Be careful, it's dangerous." Warns Karlus.

star 1
"According to my hand fortune teller, we are Katju Island." Says Rosa.
"According to my hand there is the first star here!" Meike calls.
She steps on Katju Island.
"Fortunately we are both fairies." Says Rosa.
"But Karlus said it is dangerous." Says Meike trembling.
They sneak around the island.
"There is no one on the island ..." Meike whispers.
"But there is a house!" Rosa points.
They sneak into the cottage.
"Hey, the door is not locked.
And stands at the door, go inside "says Rosa..
"Let's go inside." Meike says.
Hedus, the enemy of Karlus, seen it.
Hedus has a plan for the girls ... ..
Meike Rosa and walk softly into the house.
"There is nobody…." Meike whispers.
"Look, there is the star!
We will go there? "asks Rosa.
"We must beware of Hedus." Meike says.
The girls walk softly to the star ... ..
Someone has made a trap!
"Yes, they're in my trap!" Calls Hedus.
"Oh, Meike, all right?" asks Rosa.
"A little, and you?" Meike ask.
"Hello, girls ..." a voice.
The girls look up.
They see a man with an evil laugh.
"I'm Hedus!" Hedus said laughing.
"Meike, we must transform our way!" Calls Rosa.
"My powers do not work!" Meike calls.
"Mine does not too!" Rosa screams.
"Hehehe, I need your strength in this bottle!" laughs Hedus "You always stay here!".
Hedus walks away, but forgot the star.
"Fortunately ...." Meike sigh.
"What happy?
We're trapped! "Exclaims Rosa.
"Do you remember that we have long and thick ropes in our pockets?" Meike ask.
"Meik, you're a genius!" Calls Rosa.
They pull the ropes from their pockets.
They throw the ropes up and the ropes are attached to a piece of land.
They can upwards.
"Yes, the first star!" Meike calls.
"Cheer but not too early, because Hedus has gone to the next island!" Calls Rosa.
They have their powers removed from the bottle.

star 2
"We are in Blackbird Island." Says Rosa.
"Yes, the 2nd star is in the Blackbird Island." Meike says.
She steps on the Blackbird Island.
"Here it is just busy!" call the girls in unison.
This word difficult.
There are so many houses!
"You know what, we're going to knock at all the houses!" Meike calls.
"No, that takes too long.
You know what?
We use our powers! "Exclaims Rosa.
"Ross, you're a genius!" Meike calls.
They shut their eyes.
They think carefully.
The two girls have their eyes open at once.
"I know where the 2nd star is!" they shout in unison.
They go hand in hand in the same direction run.
They put together a house of straw.
Looks Hedus again has a plan!
They start beating.
The door is locked.

The girls go inside, but they collide with one thing.
"Of course, it's an invisible door!" Calls Rosa.
They close their eyes and shake hands.
There will be light between the two girls.
The girls think and think until ... ..There seems like an explosion happened.
The invisible door is gone!
Hedus has a different plan.
He does the star in a pot that can not be opened.
Then he goes to the next island.
Girls face the pot.
Hedus did not know the girls together form a strong force
They go hand in hand again close their eyes and the pot lid is open.
The 2nd star!
They go to the next island ...

Star 3
They arrive at Viper Island.
There's the 3rd star.
This island has lots of birds.
There are people who live there.
People who are called to live in Viper Island: the Vipers.
This is a bit dangerous.
There are a lot of birds which defecate in the air.
Fortunately, the girls have an invisible protection.
They see a tent.
Sat goes inside.
Oh, there is Hedus!
"Hedus, give that star!" Meike calls.
"Yes, otherwise we will beat you together!" Calls Rosa.
Hedus is not afraid.
He does the star quickly in a bottle with fire on the outside and go to another island.
"Meike, what should we do?" asks Rosa.
"Well, I do not know." Answer Meike.
Meike and Rosa see a bucket of water and a garden hose.
"I know what we should do about it!" they shout in unison.
Meike keeps the hose firmly and Rosa bucket of water.
They throw the water against the fire.
They grab the star.
The 3rd star!

star 4
They go to Actions island.
There's lots of adventures.
She steps on the island.
There is someone who makes a movie.
Very cool!
They all see people with cool clothing and sunglasses.
But they see no Hedus.
They hold hands and mumbles a spell.
"We want to know where Hedus.
We do not want to miss! "They mutter.
Suddenly they are a small wooden house.
It's very quiet.
They go inside because the door is not locked.
They see a rope.
And looks upwards.
They see a net.
But she steps out there.
They are about the string.
Meike but trips over the cord.
Rosa is hiding under the table.
Meike is under the net.
Hedus emerges.
"So, girl, where's your girlfriend?" he asks.
"They always come save me!" Meike calls.
Rosa sees a flower pot with soil in it.
"This is my chance." She thinks.
She throws the flower pot with soil to its head of Hedus.
She quickly grabs the star and freed Meike.
The girls rush out.
They have the 4th star!

star 5
Now on the last island.
They are on the island Indiana Island.
Since it is very cozy.
The girls give hands and shut their eyes.
Suddenly they are a wigwam.
They go inside.
Hedus is still unconscious of the flowerpot.
So the girls can grab the star.
That was easy!
The 5th star!
Well done!
The girls are tired.
Suddenly there vershijnt light.
It is Karlus.
"Well done girls, give me the 5 stars!" Calls Karlus.
The girls Karlus give 5 stars.
Karlus mutters a spell and says, "Hedus has now gone to another world.".
Karlus will last the entire trip.
They came in their hometown.
Karlus behind them.
Mothers are visiting, so they can do it at once.
The mother opened the door.
"Who is that?" ask the mothers.
The girls tell the whole story.
Karlus often comes to visit.
And Hedus?
He has gone into another world.


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